Buying fake goods is really a very unappetizing thing. Firstly, the buyer is looking forward to the arrival of the item, but does not expect it to come with greater disappointment; secondly, with websites like StockXstore, you can return the goods. It takes a long time to "wrangling", which makes people angry and physically and mentally exhausted. Received a refund yesterday
This is not the first fake product I bought on Stock I came to compare the genuine products and found that many details were not correct, even the labels were wrong. I was really angry. Moreover, too much time has passed, and it is no longer possible to protect my rights.
.What does Stock X’s authenticity verification team do? Such obvious details were not detected, and the label routing of the logo looked ridiculously fake at first glance.
When I received the shoes that day, I sent an email to protect my rights. They also told me sternly that I must apply for rights protection within three days of receipt. I took a lot of detailed pictures and gave them to them. He replied to me the next day and said that the picture should be sent to the "authenticity team" for review before replying to me. OK, I'll wait. The reply came back to me on the third day and said that there was indeed something wrong with the picture and asked me to send the product back. Ok, I'll send it right away. It showed receipt the next day, and two days later, I received a refund.
The refund email was written in a sanctimonious manner, as if they had detected a fake product. I never ate the "dead fly" - the customer service staff who contacted me didn't even apologize.
. I’m so depressed. It’s just a fake. Where did they get the courage to put it on Stock X and sell it for more than 3,000 dollars? And where did Stock X get the courage to authenticate? If they can't even spot such an obvious fake, won't their consciences hurt?